With shorter days and cold weather in the future for most of us, it's nice to know there is always some place that is warm and tropical out there. Now it can be in there too.... all you need is a couple of sticks, some rubber bands, a houseplant, and a little imagination!
Any large plant will work, as well as any "building material" that is long and narrow, from pencils to popsicle sticks. You can make a plan, or just start tying sticks to the plant and see what comes out! If the floorboards or roof are slipping around too much you can always employ the age-old fix-all...hot glue. Just make sure you don't glue anything to the actual plant. Whatever your construction style, a houseplant tree-house is a great indoor project for parents and kids that makes any corner into a micro climate of endless imaginative play.
Happy Building!
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Deb lives on a farm in Colorado and wrote this beautiful little story about some time she shared with a local hawk she has since named "Phineas". "Phineas"
Phineas was flying high circling above in the sky He swooped down and caught my eye He noticed me I noticed him We were one for a moment in the sky
As I awoke Phineas was there on the railing of the deck And he did not leave And he did not leave
I went down to the barn to feed the horses and the sheep
There was Phineas perched on a post next to the barn And he did not leave And he did not leave
Bunnies were hopping just below looking for hay that I might have dropped
Phineas just looked And he did not leave And he did not leave
Water was drawn form the well right next to Phineas Even with all the activity He did not leave And he did not leave
A friend stopped by to say hello He saw Phineas eye to eye And he did not leave And he did not leave
I peaked out from between the barn doors I just could not believe Phineas was still there
Then he was off to the sky Along with writing stories and taking care of the animals on her farm, Deb also produces beautiful handmade flower fairies and houses utilizing wool from the sheep shown in the pictures above.
You can find her Fairies here.
Photos by imaginechildhood.com LLC, Steve Estvanik, and B Lowe.
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