When we moved to the land I was amazed a the diversity of plant life on such an arid spot. The land responded immediately to the weather conditions (drought = barren, lots of rain = paradise of wildflowers), all to disappear and reappear with years in between and no intervention from me. I also became very aware that just walking on the land during a drought could destroy the future year's glory. Building a home here left a scar even if we tried to keep it small. To restore the destroyed spaces was almost impossible since the system was open to foreign weeds and much more. It really does take thousands of years or more to create the bio-diversity seen on undisturbed land.
Tread lightly...
My garden is a native garden in process. It changes each year. I transplant in the spring on the one or two days the conditions are right - cool, damp and cloudy - and if I miss the day, generally the transplants do not survive.
The birds are also architects of the garden bringing each year unknown surprises. Bunnies, birds, snakes, lizards, the toads and the bees all find a home there with the dogs running freely through. Enjoy this Mother's Day with a day of gardening with your little ones, because before you know it they will be gardening on their own.