To all moms, if you are reading this, go get your family members and sit them down in front of the computer. This is for them... for you.
A little May Day activity for Mother's day. May Day is traditionally a celebration of flowers and spring, of the season of growth and transformation, of life coming back into the world after a long cold winter. So, what better day to work on a few small gifts for all the moms out there, because really, don't they bring a lot of life into the world too?
This activity is based off of the simple paper May Day flower cones traditionally left on friend's and neighbor's doors to brighten their day. We thought it would be nice to take this same concept and make a few love-gifts to surprise moms on Mother's Day morning!
Made from simple materials found around the house these Mother's Day gift cones can be crafted with little to no preparation, depending on what you would like to fill them with. First cut a square of paper (around 16" or so) and fold into a triangle. Then cut off one corner and roll into a cone. The cone doesn't have to be perfect, and we actually liked the different shapes that came out when we made a larger or smaller opening. After you have rolled your cone, simply glue or tape to secure the shape.
Once you have all of your cones made, make a small cut about an inch down on either side.
Then pull one end of a ribbon (long enough to fit over the door handle) through the hole and make a knot. Repeat with the other end of the ribbon on the other side, and you have it! Simple beautiful cones ready for any surprise you might want to leave for a sleepy mom to run into as she wakes up in the morning on Mother's Day.
We decided to fill ours with kind wishes (written by family members and placed in little envelopes), seed tape shapes, and seedlings from our organic garden kits (you could also use egg shell seedlings like these) in preparation of a little Mom's Day gardening.
We especially liked composing all the notes to go into these, because it gave us a moment to sit down and talk about all the things we love about our moms... something we're sure it wouldn't hurt to do a little more often...
Happy May Day!