We shear the sheep mid to late June. I get seven to eight inches in length on the wool which is great for making fairies and the other crafts that I do here on the farm.
A wonderful gentlemen from New Zealand came to shear our sheep this year. Each shearer uses a little different equipment to get the job done and they do it with such great care. The wool insulates the sheep from the first hot weather, so I leave one inch in length to protect them from the sun and sunburn. When the wool comes off they all smell differently and they do not know each other so herd hierarchy must be reestablished again.
Oberon is one of our rams. He has magnificent horns, two on top and two on the side, all the better to gently handle him with.
After they are sheared, I love to stand back and admire their beautiful spots!
The herd (still separated into groups of ewes, rams, and withers) is enjoying their new look and the fresh summer grass.
And now with all of this wool, there are soo many wonderful things I can't wait to make!