Mary Poppins had one... so shouldn't we all? Doesn't a magical bag that somehow produces exactly what you're looking for seem like a necessity... like something that should have been handed to you just shortly after that sweet baby was placed in your arms for the first time?
Well, unfortunately, Miss P. must have broken the mold for that amazing carpet bag of wonders, because no matter how hard we've tried, we have never found a bag that could hold anything like a standing lamp and still manage to fit nicely over the shoulder. But that doesn't mean we haven't come close...
Made from an old pillowcase and trimmed with a few scraps from around the house, this bag may not be the best choice for your next date night, but it is full of wonders... the kind that can fill an entire summer with outdoor fun, teamwork, and a lot of laughter.
How can one little upcycled bag do so much? Simple, it's packed full of all the tools and ingredients for every game we could think of, and for some we haven't imagined yet.
In our bag we have:
Tin cans: for "kick the can", tin can telephones and for holding "stone soup" or "grass salad"
Handmade flags : for capture the flag Wooden spoons: for "egg relays" (could also be done with rocks)
A yo-yo
An old bed sheet: for forts and picnics
A pack of Cards
Blindfolds: for hide and seek, Marco Polo and other games
Soccer ball, tennis balls, football, basketball... etc.
Handmade bases: for baseball or kickball
Pillowcases: for sack races and suitcase relays
Old clothes: for suitcase relays and dress-up
Rope of different sizes: for everything from fort building to three legged races and...
... blank books for writing down the rules to old games and making up new ones.
Yes, this bag is full... of summer.
For more great items full of outdoor fun see here and here!