Dragonflies pass by en mass once a year. For some reason they assemble outside the west side of the house. Always the same place for 8 years now. Sitting at my desk I can look out and there will be hundreds of dragonflies!
They move so quickly it's hard to catch a glimpse... straight up... straight down.. sideways left ... right...
These bugs have personality, they like to follow you and on occasion have a race down to the barn and even though I try to keep up... they usually win.
Get to know the bugs in your life, the Rollie Pollie under the rock, the beetle that crosses your path, the moth trying to get in the house at night. Imagine them in your life, imagine you are in a race with one... who would win?
On another quick note, last night on my last trip down to the barn I saw two meteors streak through the sky and it was such an amazing sight. They were part of the annual Perseids Meteor Shower which can be still be seen in full force tonight! Perseids Meteor Shower