It's been quite a cold and cloudy week (there was even snow on the farm!), so there have been many more afternoons spent looking through books and wondering when the weather would turn back to those glorious sunny fall days we all love so much. Perhaps since we were inside the house wanting to explore, we easily gravitated to our airplane books, specifically the paper airplane books.

There were so many great designs that we immediately began tracing patterns and cutting them out, but then...

... we thought it would be fun to learn how a basic paper airplane flies before we set off to make the more complicated versions. When the weather improved a little, we headed outside to for a couple of experiments (although these could be done inside too!).

A while ago we came across this great flight study project put together by a couple of wonderful teachers and their 4th grade students. We'd been meaning to try it out, and we're so glad we did! The simple instructions walk you through the process of adding and subtracting elements to see what happens to the flight of the plane. We learned how to balance the plane on a finger to find it's center of gravity, how elevons work, what a rudder does...

... and we even tried our hands at landing on a landing strip!

Of course then we had to see how the "fancy versions" flew....

... and we even tested a model we'd been working on for a while.

In the end it was all so much fun that we didn't even notice the gray skies getting darker... that is.. until our planes started to get soaked by the rain...
Happy Flying!