On Easter Morning Twin Jacob Sheep were born, the first smaller than the second, both were boys! We haven’t had a ewe for several years… we need one! We are becoming a herd of boys and it’s a little rowdy
The first has needed help, I have milked the mom instead of using a milk supplement every 2 hours, 2 oz for the last three days, going to 4 hours 4 oz today.
Mom has finally decided milking her is not all bad and is standing
nicely, it was quite a struggle at first. A treat at the beginning and
at the end has helped.
If I wipe some milk on both babies when I am done the mom continues to accept them both and the little ones continue to snuggle.
Spring and baby lambs… nothing could be better!
We do need help with the names though… what would you suggest?
*Last time in Barn Stories: Dumpster Diving