If there is one thing that says "summer", it's sitting next to a cool river under the dappled shade of a tree with a fishing pole...

... the only problem is we didn't have one, so we decided it was the opportunity to make one. Starting with a bamboo garden stake...

... and using some old wine corks for the handle, we quickly got to work.
With the rod and the handle in place, it was time to find a reel and some rigging for the line. For the rigging we simply screwed in some tiny, evenly spaced eye-screws along one side of the rod (see first picture and make sure to pre-drill the holes if you can, it helps quite a bit to prevent any splitting in the bamboo).
Then using a bolt, a standard plastic spool from sewing thread, two metal end pieces from a pipe plug (we liked the curve of these but you could simply use large metal washers), a few plastic washers, a wing nut and a bent metal pipe strap (click image above to see larger) we managed to make a pretty functional reel that operates smoothly and reliably. On the next version a better crank might be nice for faster wind up...

... but there is something great about the feel of this over-sized wing nut too ( just make sure to wind your string so that when you are winding it up you are also tightening the nut... otherwise if you wind the string the opposite way the nut will just come off when you try to use it).

First we tested the fishing pole with a game of "fish-for-the-metal-washers-without-getting-the-magnet-stuck-to-the side-of-the-bucket" (we painted some of the washers red with nail polish an gave them a higher point value). It's sort of like the "Operation" meets magnetic fishing... very fun.

But this great pole has a lot of other uses in it's future too...

... like catch and release fishing in the river and crawdad collecting at the pond to name a few...
Happy fishing!
*Last time in Crafts and Activities: Adventure Care Package