Rocky has begun his training with the hope he will be good at Eventing. He has a large stride which could translate to a big jump.
The first rides were a little rough, he acted as thought he had never been ridden before, but with lots of ground work, chiropractic care, a good farrier and improved nutrition he has come around.
These are pictures of the first ride that he was not trying to buck his rider off because his back hurt. He also chewed at his bit while being ridden. We originally thought his teeth were the problem, now we know it was caused because his back was in pain.
Often we think a horse is difficult when really it's that he is in pain or chemically off because of his diet. Always consider your options, it is like pealing a onion one layer at a time to be of help to the horse or any animal you are working with. Give them a chance to be their best.
On their last lap I could catch a glimpse of relief in both of their eyes as they passed me... all that we had done so far was helping Rocky!!
Everything takes time, enjoy the journey and have fun...
*Last time in Barn Stories: You're Late, You're Late!