The best things about summer are often hard to remember...
... like lazily blowing bubbles into the soft warm air...
... but pairing this classic activity with a little creativity...
... in the form of food color bubbles...
... on a big sheet of paper (the bigger the better) with lots of color...
... can be a great way to make a permanent memento of a wonderfully ephemeral moment.
Wouldn't a wall sized framed painting like this just be grand?
P.S. A la Rae Grant's suggestion of using anything to make a bubble, we dug around our kitchen and found that cookie cutters are perhaps one of the best bubble wands we've ever used... not to mention how fun it is to blow a little love into each floating beauty through the shape of a heart...
*Last time in Crafts and Activities: Summer Fun
**And on another note, the giveaway winner chosen by random number from last week's drawing for Gwynneth Beasley's lovely nature inspired book is...
Paula who said:
My son will be wanting to put these in his bug box! I can't wait to learn more...
Thanks to everyone who participated!