I planted the native garden almost as a last resort. Everything that I use to plant in my garden in the city would disappear overnight here on the farm.
I quickly realized I needed to join the wild ones and began to transplant wild flowers from the surrounding fields. By the next year the birds became my assistant garden designers. The Sun Flowers that appear last in the garden and take it over by the end of August are there only because of the birds.
The garden is now full of wild flowers and wild life... bugs, birds ,snakes and toads it is a haven of wild activity.
One wild hare does stand out, he discovered the bird seed in the bird feeder last spring just as the garden was starting to grow.
With a full summer of growth and a bull snake that made his appearance known, I quit weeding and the garden has gone totally wild.
A Wild Hare and a Wild Garden means only one thing... Hide and Seek is our game of choice.
When I do spot him, he stands so still, fairly sure I can not see him, but I do. I use those moments to capture his picture and the beauty that he represents...To Hide and Seek!
*Last Time in Barn Stories: Enchanted Garden