Sometimes waiting can be a great thing...
... it can cultivate excitement and anticipation for projects and activities...
... for epic adventures...
... to mystical castles...
... along side frog princes and fairy princesses.
Patience can be a powerful tool for the imagination, and waiting for something special can make it become all the more magical.
When we started our Layaway Program last year we did so with the intention of providing a way for individuals and families to take a little stress out of the shopping experience both in terms of time and money. We wanted to offer a program that could make special occasions like the holidays and birthdays more about spending time together and less about having to run around to stores and malls, and to offer a way to plan for these events on any budget or timetable. Yesterday we received one of the greatest gifts the program could offer when Lori shared these words with us about her Layaway experience:
Thank you so very much, this takes so much stress off the holidays, you have no idea and my children still love and use everything they received last year.
So, in the spirit of contributing to a few special somethings and perhaps making a little more time for bubble blowing and tag playing in your day, today we are offering a $100 gift certificate to our shop ready for immediate use or to put towards a Layaway Program!
To enter for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate to our store simply respond to the forum topic in the comments for this post.
Forum topic: What are you finding special in your life right now?
***Comments Closed!***
And the winner (chosen by random number) is Bloomingheather who said:
"I'm finding these last days of summertime "free play" where my two girls are playing together in their imaginary worlds all day, creating, inventing, using simple toys and their imaginations -- watching and being a part of that -- it's been very special"
Thank you to everyone who participated! There are so many beautiful and special things going on in all of your lives right now and each comment was truly heartwarming to read.
And for all the families expecting new additions (there were quite a few!) many, many warm congratulations from all of us here at Imagine Childhood!!