Digging in the dirt, harvesting spinach, and running away from smelly billy goats are all fond memories I have of Cresset Community Farm, a place I have visited since I was ten years old. This year I finally dove in and bought a share in the farm. Since June I have received the most delicious veggies I have ever had (and a few I had never heard of before) every Tuesday. Being a community farm, each person with a share gets to drive out to the farm at least once to pick up the veggies for everyone else in their area.
This past Tuesday was my turn...and what a feast we brought home with us, it barely all fit in my car!
Lettuce, beans, carrots, the best summer has to offer was all there...
And no farm visit would be complete without wandering off and leaving Kiel with the heavy lifting to see what else was going on...
... including some fun chicken antics...
I love that at Cresset nothing goes to waste. They are an organic/biodynamic farm which means they work in harmony with earths' established systems to produce wonderful fruits, veggies, meat, eggs and raw milk.
Little has changed on the farm since I was ten, and it still holds the same magic for me now, all these years later. Luckily I signed up to drive again in September...
I can't wait to see what the fall harvest brings!
*Last time in Nature: Water Color Clouds
P.S. Don't forget you still have a chance to enter the giveaway for Karen Benke's amazing book here!