...this time of year milk thistles are everywhere...
...filling roadsides and trails with beautiful (and thorny!) purple blossoms...
...insects like fuzzy bumblebees...
...and monarch butterflies swarm to indulge in these sweet blossoms...
...and for good reason.
The Milk Thistle (silybum marianum), has been used as a medicinal herb for over 2000 years. Traditionally the Milk Thistle is used to treat liver diseases and gallbladder problems. And it also can prevent severe liver damage from Deathcap Mushrooms.
Our reading tells us the jury is still out on whether or not Milk thistle is truly effective in treating these issues, but that new studies are ongoing. It really is amazing how many of the plants we pass by everyday are much more than just beautiful objects to look at... they may be good for you too!
*Last time in Nature: Katydid Nymph