Days when Red Tail Hawks visit our home are red letter days, special!
As I was doing the dishes my dear husband came in the front door with camera in hand slowly, as quietly as he could, every movement measured and I wondering what is he up to? ... He whispered, "there is a Red Tail Hawk outside the front door"...
I could not respond with the glee that was inside me, but went into slow, quiet movements and followed him.
There he/she was, a juvenile hatched just this spring and now on it's own for the first time. The chest was full of spots which will disappear with age.
My husband came up with a name for this young one, Arthur because of the regal and fearless presence he brought with him and he was my husbands find.
Only one other time we are aware of did a Red Tail Hawk (Phineas) visit our home. They usually fill our ears with their high pitched song or follow us about from on high... in the sky.
This little guy or girl had found our wild and un-weeded native garden with it's resident bull snake and decided to stay. There was a calmness and a comfort that he had in being so close to us, I wondered if he was in need of help? This hawk stayed for quite a while, then to my great joy took off flying just over my head and I could feel the air move from his wings.
Arthur did not go far, just to the railing on the deck, where he stayed surveying all that was before him, it was teeming with wildlife. We both went about our morning chores and he continued to stay, my husband turned on the sprinklers in our wild back yard where the bunnies and prairie dogs eat and to his surprise Arthur flew right over his shoulder, he also could feel the air move from his wings and for a moment thought he might land on his shoulder.
We think Arthur found what he was looking for, water. And boy did he enjoy it! He stayed awhile longer then took off in flight.
To Arthur, thank you for letting us experience the power of your flight!
*Last time in Barn Stories: Little Mouse