For me the moon is a constant source of curiosity and excitement...things like phases and orbits, and the "man on the moon" often fill my thoughts while stargazing.
Some ancient cultures believed that the moon was a rotating bowl of fire like the sun, while others thought it was a mirror that reflected earth's land and seas. The Greeks though, knew the moon orbited the earth and reflected the light of the sun...and Copernicus and Galileo further brought us to our understanding of the moon today.
Aside from science, the myths that surround the moon are also quite interesting...frequently associated with fertility and women, the stories that surround the moon are as diverse as the theories surrounding its origin...
... but what I love most about the moon is that it's always there, reminding me to ask questions, wonder and dream... to remember that the simple fixtures in my daily life are full of mystery stories and beauty.
Make sure and take a peek outside tonight and say hello to that man in the moon for me...
*Last time in Nature: Hibernation
*Current Giveaway: Zen Ghosts!