Charlie is a Belgium Draft Horse, and before he came to the farm he competed in pulling heavily weighted wagons, and he was good. He is not as tall as some Belgium Draft Horses but he is stout, strong and very gentle.
This past week as I was working I glanced up to see who was in the backyard, Flo is usually there with Nelly the goat and sometimes the sheep will follow Nelly up to the backyard, but this time is was Charlie grazing the grass alone.
Charlie is in an electric fenced pasture, so for him to be in the backyard meant fencing was down somewhere. Before I brought him back to the pasture I went to see how he got out and could not find anything amiss, all fencing was in place. I went to get Charlie to bring him back to his pasture wondering, how was he getting out?
Within a half hour Charlie was back in the backyard enjoying the last of the grass.
After a lot more fence exploring and thinking, I realized Charlie was crawling under the fence to get out. In Pulling Contests, when the weight really gets heavy the horses go to their knees to pull the last few feet...
... so, big, huge Charlie crawls. I can't wait to get a picture of that!
I already have two pasture escapees Flo and Nelly, and don't want another one, so one more wire of electric fencing went up and Charlie is staying where he should.
Well maybe not where he thinks he should...
*Current book giveaway!!: Fairy Houses
*Last time in Barn Stories: In the Morning