For me, storytelling and memory go hand in hand. Many of my fondest memories surround riding horses and spending glorious late autumn days at the barn. The wonderful scents of hay, grain and horse combine to create the best smell in the whole world. Even the manure smelled good to me (ask any horse person you know, they will agree). Now that I am older, it is these types of smells, sights, textures and feelings that bring the stories of my past into the the present...
... the texture where a horse's fur changes directions...
... the feel of glycerin soap lather...
... the clang of the stirrup iron as it hits the safety latch after a ride...
... the feeling of stiff brush bristles as they pull the dirt from my horses coat...
... the smell of warmed leather after a good ride...
On their own, each of these sensations is like a puzzle piece, curious and beautiful... only when the pieces come together does the memory or the story travel the distance from the past to where I stand right now...
... here's to soft muzzles a sweet whinnies...
How do stories come alive for you? Let us know in the comments section below!
P.S. We'll be back in a little while to announce the winner of last week's drawing!
Click Here to find out who won last week's drawing!
*Last time in Storytelling: Once Around the Block