This year we've been on quite a journey through so many beautiful books and stories and all the wonderful imagination that it took to create them...
... we went blueberry picking with Sal...
...played tic-tac-toe with sticks and stones...
... looked for the beauty in small details...
... cooked up some delightful treats in the kitchen...
... met animals of all varieties...
... learned the meaning of true friendship...
... and made friends with a mischievous wave. Oh we've seen so many good books in the past year!
We're all moving a bit slowly around here this week, enjoying the quiet space between the end of an old year and the start of a new one, and telling lots and lots of stories. Some from memories and some from our favorite books. Some about the year's adventures and some about the quiet and simple days in between adventures.
Here's wishing you and yours a wonderful stretch of days to do the same!
Oh, and in the flurry of last week's holiday excitement, we forgot to announce the winner of the Tomten and the Fox giveaway!
So, without further adu, the winner is Sacha who said:
"What a lovely book!"
Thank you all for participating!