Few books have influenced artists, art historians, art patrons and non-artists alike more than this wonderful and witty story as told by the equally poignant author, E.H. Gombrich...

The Story of Art is just that, a beautiful story. Told in an effortless and personal tone, Gombrich creates a sense of accessibility and ease often lacking in books on art, as if he was conversing with a friend, not educating the masses...

.. from candid conversations about the work of Raphael...

... to the light of William Turner...

... the incredible detail of Albrecht Dürer...

... Degas' graceful ballerinas...

... and the free-form color of Wassily Kandinsky; by the end you feel as though you know each artist personally.
It is rare that a book charged with such an undertaking as telling the story of art could be so easy to read and understand, and yet it is. This truly is a book that, as artist Bridget Riley put it, is "written with love and scholarship, clarity and insight." And one I have yet to be able to put down!
It will be quite hard to part with this one...
For a chance to win a copy of this lovely book, simply leave a comment on this post by Wednesday February 2nd. The winner will be chosen by random number and announced Thursday February 3rd.
Good Luck!
And the winner is Jayne who said:
"This looks like such a lovely book. I would treasure this one!"
Thanks so much for participating everyone!
*Last time in Books and Stories: What You Don't See