I must admit I have more fun when it snows looking for animal tracks, it is the one way I can tell were they all go!
Even more importantly, the tracks let me know who has come for a visit, and just how close they came to the house or barn...
The other morning I opened the front door to find a dusting of crystalline snow glistening with a clear blue sky above. Then I looked below and to my surprise and glee there were tracks everywhere! Wild Hare! Immediately the child in me (which has never left), saw a story unfolding before my eyes. Tracks were crossing the front porch, meeting in groups, resting at times against the stone pillars to block the wind and snow. Tracks went in and out of the garden, I imagined they were looking for a bit to eat...
There where even tracks crossing the door mat, I wondered could they hear what was going on inside, did they pause and listen, I would have....
Then quietly as they had come, the tracks disappeared as they went down the garden path...
As the story unfolded in my mind I noticed there was not a wild hare in sight. They must have all gone down their holes to get warm after a long night of exploring in the moonlight (it was a full moon that night).
*Last time in Barn Stories: In the Morning