For the last couple of months the eagles and I have been trying to catch a look at each other. There is a Golden Eagle I catch out of the corner of my eye... always wondering if I have really seen him.
Oh I have... He swooped down just above my head recently so close it cast a shadow around me, by the time I got my camera he was higher in the sky but the sunlight was surrounding him, highlighting his flight, it was a wondrous experience.
I have a hat filled with red tail hawk feathers I have found while grazing the sheep, maybe one day I will find the gift of and eagles feather at my feet?
To the wonder of nature and her gifts....
p.s. There is a pair of Bald Eagles that cross over the land around noon each day. I have seen them with their lunch, chasing a pair of Coyotes with Magpies chasing them all, it was quite a sight! I have not been able to have the camera and the right lens in hand at the right time, I just miss capturing them but I hope to catch them soon... stay tuned!
*Last time in Barn Stories: Bird Cookies