Dear Split Ear... is the oldest and because of that, the wisest wild hare on the farm. I met her at the front entrance of our farm 8 years ago...
... at that time she had what appeared to be 3 ears. The next day she was down at the barn and has stayed in the area ever since. She just loves to eat the hay that has fallen to the ground around the pump, it gets re-hydrated and almost becomes like green grass again. I wonder if that has been one of he secrets to staying here for so long.
I know she is a mama wild hare, I have seen her collecting bits in her mouth to take to her nest, all the mama hares are nesting right now, about to give birth to their little ones. It's late this year.
Because of her age and the time we have been aware of each other, this year I am so glad she made it through winter, it was a cold one. I am anticipating one morning she will not be there and my heart will fall...
Could we be friends, she as a wild hare and I as a human?
I think we are...
Remember the earth this coming Earth Day and that it is the little actions that add up and can make a difference.
~ Deb
*Last time in Barn Stories: A New Nest