The above picture is the end of week 3 below is the end of week 4, such an amazing growth cycle. I just did not know how much fun chickens could be. Each with their own personality, they remind me of a cat, they even purr like a cat just in a different way. If I put my hand gently on their back and softly push down they go to ground and then just sit there and shake softly, sort of a tingle is the best way to describe it, a chick purr. I wonder if their instinct tells them it is like a mama hen when it sits on them to keep them warm.
I love their color and can't wait to see what they look like when the head finishes feathering. Their eyes are now almost grown up eyes and the skin on their noses is looking more like a mature chicken's. They listen for me and know their names when spoken to.
Tomorrow their backyard coop arrives, it's the kind I can move around the pastures and backyard. When these chicks are all grown up and can fend for themselves, I hope they will be free range chickens only coming in at night.
Who knew how much fun chickens could be?
P.S. Today is the last day for our current book giveaway: Le Petit Prince Make sure to enter for your chance to win this amazing book!
*Last time in Barn Stories: Baby Bunnies