The boys of Bryn Du Farm graze either in the morning or the afternoon but not both. Keeping the boys and girls apart is a full time job. I find myself constantly letting in and letting out each day, different groupings of animals. The sheep like to graze with the horses, if I let them out without a horse, they stand at the barn door waiting and will not go out to graze.
Serento is our main ram, just look at his face, the wisdom of it. He will just look at you right in the eye. He has a wonderful temperament, very much a gentleman. I can just think and indicate and he does, sometimes I wonder if he can read my mind? It is more likely he can sense I am leaning left and that means he is to go left.
This is Ferdinand, Serento's son, his horns are black and white striped, but I think they will go black when he gets a little older. He has the most wonderful wool.
Jack is his twin, who also has wonderful wool, they were both sheared for the first time this year and I can't wait to work with it. Jack has two perfectly formed horns. Luckily they both have their dad's temperament.
To hot days spent under the trees, the boys of Bryn Du Farm and the wool they give each year. In fact this Friday's craft project will be using some of their wool... stay tuned!
With gratitude...
~ Deb
*Last time in Barn Stories: Free to Roam