The first snow of the season was ushered in by sixty plus mile per hour winds. Our sweet chickens did not mind being rescued from under the deck, they just snuggled down into our arms as we carried them back to their coop and out of the wind. Horses were blanketed with light weight sheets, just enough protection to keep them warm through their first cold night.
The next morning we awoke to a riot of song emanating from the native garden. At first glance you could not see were it was coming from... then the little gray finches came into view. They were puffed up trying to keep warm. Cold and night had been hard on them.
There was not one bird in the vegetable garden, all were in the native garden feasting on the seeds left by the wild flowers.
The finches kept extending their wings and fluttering them, just trying to warm up...
... but soon the sun came to the rescue.
To our feathered friends...
Feed them this winter, they need all the help we can give them.
* Last time in Barn Stories: Autumn in the Native Garden