It was a full moon the night before last, creating twilight all through the night. Little ones have been fascinated through the ages by the Man in the Moon and he's presence in their lives. Moon light streaming through a window at night is a vision remembered for life.
We thought a Man in the Moon puppet was just the right creation for bedtime stories and the study of the phases of the moon.
Start by cutting out two pieces of black felt following the pattern (see download below),it can also be done in shades of deep blue, then sew together with a blanket stitch or the sewing machine. Once this is done cut out two more black felt circles using the head as a pattern and sew them together. Cut two more circles out of white felt, stuff with a bit of batting (wool or cotton) and sew together.
The eyes and mouth were made by using corners of a piece of felt (see above). The features can be done in black or grey, we chose grey thinking it more closely resembled the moon. The eyes are attached leaving the eyebrows free to move, and the mouth can be a smile or a frown.
When the face is done attach the Moon's face with three stitches in white thread, one at the top and one at both sides. Then attach the Black Circle at the bottom of the Moon just below or at it's chin. Sew on as if you were sewing on a button go back and forth three times before tying it off. Once the black circle is sewn on place a small dot of velcro on the back, this will keep the circle in place helping to create the phases of the moon or play peek a boo, just before you say sleep tight.
The phases of the moon are an infinitely entertaining aspect of nature. From bed time stories as little ones, to tracking the moons course as they grow older, the world outside our own is an adventure indeed.
With wonder and curiosity we wish you all a Good Night...
To download the pattern simply click here: Man in the Moon Puppet Pattern, it is 8.5" by 7.5". The pattern can be adjusted one size smaller by folding the pattern in the middle lengthwise reducing the width of the pattern by a quarter of an inch and it will keep the right proportion.
~ Deb
P.S. Don't forget to enter our book giveaway of Earth, Wind, Fire and Air!
*Last time in Crafts and Imagination:The Greatest Gift