We love the stars around here, and while we've done a number of star projects from batik to egg dying, they've all had one thing in common: once the constellations are in place they can't be moved. So this time I wanted to make something that could easily change with the seasons just like the stars in the sky.
So, with a few scraps of fabric cut into stars...
... stitched and equipped with long strings for hanging, I made an adjustable mobile. Using a found branch for the structure, I wrapped a little string around the center and made a loop so I could hang it on a nail. Once the branch was in place I simply hung the stars at different heights (securing them in place by wrapping the string around the branch a few times) to make various constellations.
Since the stars are only attached by a little wrapped string, they can easily be moved or adjusted to make any of your favorite constellations. The only limitation will be the number of stars you have on hand.
On the other hand, if you want something a bit more solid, you can make this star pin-board. Once the stars are sewn, instead of attaching hanging strings, you can make a quick pin-board by wrapping fabric around cardboard and securing it with tape on the backside (something strong like gaff or duct tape, or you could also hot glue it). After the pin-board is complete, you can hang it on the branch by sewing a couple string ties at the corners and tying them on. Simply pin your favorite constellation for the day onto the board and change it whenever you feel like exploring a different part of the universe.
Happy Star Gazing!
~ Sarah
*Last time in Crafts and Activities: Love Notes