It's no secret that we are a big fan of Mother Nature and all she has to offer, and it's no wonder why. Everywhere we look, whether it's a dandelion growing out of a concrete jungle, or lush spring meadow, nature is everywhere.
Which is all the more reason to know a little more about her. That's why we love Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification, by Thomas J. Elpel.
This wonderful green book makes the study of botany and plant life simple and straight forward. Leafing through the pages is like getting to know a new friend, well lots of new friends actually. By learning the patterns of the various plant families, wandering out to the woods no longer constitutes going off into the unknown.
Great for everyday reference as well as a home school study guide, we can't think of a better way to get to know the world around us!
Which is why we would like to give away a free copy of this wonderful book!
For a chance to win a copy of this book and the fairy, simply leave a comment on this post by 8am MST Thursday February 16th. The winners will be chosen by random number and announced later that day.
And the winner is...
Theresa who wrote:
"What a neat book!"
Thanks for participating everyone!
*Last time in Books and Stories: Busy Little Bee