Bushes are blooming... spring has arrived in the native garden.
Wynken, Blynken and Nod are busy weeding, their birthday is fast approaching. I just cannot believe it's been a year! I now know they are all roosters but it was such fun wondering those first few months, and hoping for a hen. I should have known, only boys have been born on Bryn Du farm lately. I am currently trying to find a Buckeye hen but there are none in the state of Colorado. I can order chicks, 25 at a time and have them shipped but that is just too many for right now, and hatcheries do not know the line of the chickens which makes it hard to continue the breeding diversity. There are not many of these chickens left in the world. Hatching eggs was fun but I only got boys, should I try once more?
I am so enjoying the three roosters, just having them for a year has enabled me to develop a wonderful relationship with them, they are my boys! This is Nod (above), he was the last to hatch a year ago and is the goofiest, he runs everywhere with his wings flapping madly at his sides never leaving the ground, I think he thinks he is flying! He is the hardest to catch, he loves to hide under the truck right in the middle, out of reach from what ever side I try. Nod is pretty smart when he wants to stay outside. He is always the last into the coop at night unless it's dark, then he is waiting at the door.
Blynken was the second to hatch and has turned out to be the biggest with the most even temperament. He looks stern but he really is just a love muffin inside. He enjoys having his neck rubbed and sitting on your lap and never tires of eating.
Then there is Wynken the first to hatch. He watches over all and is the great protector. That means he is also likely to go after you, if he gets his signals crossed. I will let him start to peck at my rubber boots, (just love those rubber boots) but I quickly pick him up and cradle him reminding him that as far as he knows, I am his mom and he quickly settles down. His trait of protecting is good, that's his job, it just needs redirection sometimes.
To spring and to chickens weeding....
Who is weeding your garden this spring?
*Last time in Barn Stories: First Baby Bunny