Last weekend I went on a hike with a friend. It was a beautiful spring afternoon, the sun was shining and a light breeze whisked the clouds across the sky in effortless fashion. It's been a very dry spring here, but even still, little tufts of green were reaching for the sun with notable persistence...
... and here and there a few brave flowers joined in the effort.
Yet it was something else that grabbed my attention entirely. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted something out of place, or was it? A tiny spec of red in a sea of dirt and rocks... a ladybug. The first one of the year (for me at least). I wondered what he/she was doing in the middle of the trail and thought about moving it to a greener spot, but then again maybe this little bug just wanted some sun? So I simply said "hello," and was on my way.
The rest of the hike was pleasant and uneventful. But what was waiting for me at my doorstep when I came home? A grasshopper! And a big one at that, about an inch in a half long!
He/she was incredible, and not the least bit shy. He let me get with in inches with my camera and didn't move a muscle. Spring is officially in full swing, and the bugs are back!
What bugs are waking up in your neighborhood? Let us know in the comments section below. Or better yet, post your photos on our facebook page!
P.S. Check out our Earth Day Challenge and share the love today!
*Last time in Nature: Buds to Blossoms