Beautiful spring days like the ones we've been having make it very hard to stay inside and get my work done...
Each day as the sun begins to set I make sure and get outside and away from the city (well a little bit anyway). I recently brought my best friend and equine partner in crime back to my neck of the woods. I love the barn he lives at. It's a family style hobby farm where the boarders are friendly and the horses are fat and happy.
After the dry spell that was March, April has been living up to it's reputation with lots of rain and even some snow! Along with the rain came the green, and my furry friend could not be more excited. Each day after we our work, I take him out to graze. I think he's caught on to the routine as he now practically walks me out to the pasture. It's here in this space that everything seems to melt away. First the power lines vanish, and then the fences...
... soon I can see all the way across the valley with out any modern obstruction. As the sun sets I wonder about what this place used to look like? Who lived here? What animals roamed these meadows? And if I go back in time far enough, I find myself swimming in the waters of an ancient sea. Early spring evenings like the one above are perfect for contemplating what this planet was, and if we are lucky and take care of our beautiful home, of what it can be. The more time I spend telling myself (and Rocky) this story, the more connected I feel to the space I share with so many plants, animals, and yes, people.
Earth Day is fast approaching and I find myself trying to count the ways I can become better friends with her. There are many ways to celebrate, and lots of great websites out there with wonderful activities and crafts, as well as our fun Earth Day Challenge to make the day all the more special. So make a plan, make a day of it, better yet make each and every day a day to celebrate our incredible planet, and tell your Earth Day story as often as you can.
In profound gratitude to all that is our beautiful home....
*Last time in Books and Stories: My First Shooting Star