There is something about unexpected adventures that I just love. Big or small, it does not matter, so long as they happen.
Like happening upon a Robin's nest in a rose arbor. I was over at my friend's house taking photos for the bee hives for the busy busy bee post when I was informed by her daughter that they also had a robin nest in the backyard.
There were lots of robins in the yard squawking back and forth to each other, flying from branch to branch, and digging in the dirt. One robin in particular looked quite determined, so I followed her/him. From the garden to the fence to the rose arbor and finally to the nest, the whole while keeping the grub securely in its beak for the chirping youngsters in the nest.
Once the the grub was gone it was off to find another. So I grabbed a quick peak to see just what was in the nest... three freshly hatched little ones snuggled in tight!
I think the mama caught on to my interest and quickly flew back to the nest to protect her flock.
Once I was safely out of range off she flew again to look for more food. A parent's work is never done!
*Last time in Nature: Busy Busy Bees