A great summer adventure is worth being prepared for. With so much time spent out of doors you never know what you will find, and rummaging through a backpack for the scattered articles of adventure optimization might mean you miss the moment entirely...
... that's why a piece of sturdy cloth, some string or ribbon and a needle and thread (or a sewing machine) can make all the difference in the world!
A few hemmed edges, folds and seams, along with your own decorative touch, and voila...
... an easy to access, ready when you are Adventure Roll!
This fast, easy and fun project couldn't be simpler. Here's what you will need:
-About a 20" X 15-18" piece of sturdy cloth (I used a medium weight canvas).
-Scissors, measuring tape, and a needle and thread (or sewing machine).
-String or ribbon to tie it all together.
- Decorative elements to make it your own! I went back into our blogs and pulled up this great stencil, stamps or some free-style artistry would also look amazing!
-Some adventure tools. A few of my favorites include:
- Small Notebook
- Pocket Scope
- Compass (so I can find my way home!)
- Small Tin for keepsakes
- Specimen Bags
- Bird Call
- Pencil (you never know when you will need one!)
- Collect all the tools you think you might need for a great adventure.
-Next gather the materials for the roll. The measurement I gave for the fabric is an approximate one, you may need more or less. To make sure you have enough fabric before you cut, lay out all your tools on the fabric with about a 1/4"-1/2" space on either side of each object to make sure there is enough space once you sew. Also make sure there is enough width for the fabric above the first pocket to fold over and cover up your tools to keep them from falling out.
- Cut the fabric and hem all four edges (save yourself a little time and use a salvage edge if you have one).
- Next lay out all you tools again on the fabric and make a fold to create one long pocket across the bottom. Next tuck in all of your tools and mark out where you want each smaller pocket to go. (Once again, allow 1/4"-1/2" on either side of the object to allow enough room for it to easily slide in and out once you sew.)
- Place your tools to the side and start sewing. It may look a little uneven here and there because the back of the main fold is flat, whereas the front may pucker out due to space allowance for the tools.
- Next sew on a string or ribbon in the middle of the outside of the roll, and a second one on the end. Make sure they are pointing away from each other. This way once its rolled up you can tie it closed.
- Once the sewing is complete, decorate to your heart's content!
This project is great for stormy afternoons and quiet mornings. All together it took me about half an hour to measure and sew everything together, and another half an hour to decorate. Great for kids (ages 5+) to do on their own too! Although they might need a hand with cutting the fabric depending on age and sharpness of scissors.
Happy adventuring!
~ Jordan
* Last time in Crafts and Imagination: June Jubilee