All on Bryn Du Farm were sweltering in the crazy heat last week. Everyone was hiding out, including the wild hare. One of their favorite spots when it gets that hot is under the horse trailer.
It was over one hundred degrees outside and approaching one hundred in the barn with fans on and the isles and walls hosed down with cool water.
Another spot they like to hide out is under is the cottonwood trees. As I walked by, at first glance, they were not there, but when I stopped and looked, five or six would magically appear. They so perfectly blended in, sitting still, waiting for the cool of night.
This little fella was digging in for the duration. He found the mud next to the horse trough and spread out to get the full cooling effect. He did not move, even with my passing by.
To the wisdom of our fellow creatures we share this earth with, who know when to lay low and rest.
~ Deb
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*Last time in Barn Stories: Up to No Good