When this Helianthus Annuus (Fat Mama) turned up in a seed packet titled Four Sisters, I thought that's quite a name to live up to.
And she did live up to it, even through my garden follies, she delivered. Horizon Herbs calls her, a Giant Cosmic headed sunflower, with striped edible seeds. From the start her naturally strong design showed itself.
Then the miniture seeds appeared, just look at the geometric pattern they reveal. The Native American peoples extracted oil from the seeds by boiling them in water and skimming off the oil that rose to the top. Imagine, what a wonderful source for cooking oil.
Now Fat Mama is rippening her seeds, there must be hundreds of them. I think I am going to make a point to find out just how many, hopefully before the birds find her.
Take a guess and win a Four Sisters Seed Packet for your garden next year!
To fractals, nature and cooking oil. . .
~ Deb
*Last time in Barn Stories: New Hay