Crisp, cool, thin Rocky Mountain air... there really is no substitute. Especially with the heat we have had this summer.
Everything and everyone just seems happier up there, including the wildlife.
As a native Coloradoan, I have a rather embarrassing fact to admit to... until this past weekend I had never been up to see the view in the photo above. The impressive sight is that of the Rocky Mountains from the highest paved road in North America, Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Once I pried my fingers off the steering wheel (a twisty road and no guard-rails at that altitude is a little scary), I could hardy breath. Perhaps the altitude (12,183 feet at the top) had a little something to do with it, but I would argue the view was more to blame. The scenic route has many pull-off worthy spots along the way, none of which I wanted to leave.
What surprised me the most was the general quiet. I had a small lapse in judgment and went through the park on a Saturday in July, so there were lots and lots of people, dogs, and motorcycles, but surprisingly each place I stopped at was incredibly peaceful (I did however avoid the visitors center, it was absolutely packed to the brim!). Once again, I think the view might have had something to do with it. There was one noisy element though, the sweet little Pika pictured above. I'm not sure what the trouble was, but he/she definitely had an opinion about it and wanted everyone to know.
Expansive mountain valleys, warm sunshine, killer views and good friends to share it all with...
... yes indeed, to me at least, I was on top of the world.
* Last time in Nature: Jade Plant Saga