When I was young, back to school was always a time of excitement, but for a shy kid like me, it was also pretty scary. Since I can remember I have always wanted to know the situation I am getting into before I get there; I like to create a plan of action. Whether or not this plan actually happens is beside the point. The simple act of knowing a situation and making a plan is enough to put my mind at ease. Luckily as I have grown, I have learned to let it go and jump right in (most of the time).
But as a kid that first day of school was filled with butterflies of the stomach variety. So I thought I would put together a simple way to take the edge off so to speak. School can be hard, but it's also a lot of fun. So why not write down all the things you are excited about on pieces of paper, put them in a jar or an envelope, and each day for the first week or two pull out one piece of paper to be your focus for the day?
That way, you can take each subject or new thing for the school year one at a time. . . and then it's not so scary! (Well at least for me!)
Oh dear, it looks like I drew math today... well, I guess it's as good a time as any to learn to love it!
~ Jordan
P.S. This simple little jar also works great as a homework guide. Just put in all the subjects you have to study, and then let random selection decide what you study first... and if you just happen to draw "recess," that's your chance to let off some steam and do something different for a little bit before you hit the books.
*Last time in Books and Stories: K.I.S.S. Principle