This last weekend we headed up into the mountains to winterise our cabin. Two cold fronts had arrived the day before and left the front range and foothills with a dusting of snow. Further south fog was natures show.
We drove up in the evening and awoke to this glorious vision of ice gracing the tops of the trees. You could see the waves of fog, as it rolled in. I had brought with me to read For The Love of Physics by Walter Lewin and was just starting the chapter Over and Under- Outside and Inside-the Rainbow, he started his chapter with "So may of the little wonders of the everyday world-which can be truly spectacular-go unobserved most of the time because we haven't been trained how to see them".
The chapter ended with fog bows (rainbows created by shining light into the fog at night) and I can't wait until the next fog rolls in to try them out. I had never before realized, how physics is so enveloped in nature and the love of it. I've always associated physics with math, equations, memorization. . . I had missed that love of nature connection. . .
To our little ones who marvel at the wonder of a rainbow, and to Walter Lewin who reminds us.
~ Deb
*Last time in Barn Stories: How Many Faces can a Goat Make?