For a little while now Rocky has been working hard, hard at getting back into shape. The vet told us that if he was fit enough and his leg was strong enough, he could move out of the covered run he is currently in, and into a large paddock with a few new friends to play and run around with.
I told Rocky about this and I think he understood, because he has been so good! He rarely acts out anymore, and he is much more focused. Every time I put him back after a work out he looks at me and then looks over to the paddock and horses across from him and then back to me. I think he's trying to tell me "I'm ready! Lets do this!"
So we are getting ready to make the move. Each day I take him over to sniff out his soon to be paddock mates. It seems to be going well, the two other horses are both laid back and sweet, and they seem to get along really well.
So in a just a little bit I think Rocky will officially graduate from his recovery run, and get to really move around again. I think we are both pretty excited, and who knows, maybe soon enough Rocky will be able to go out in the large pastures where he can really run!
~ Jordan
*Last time in Barn Stories: Freezing Fog