- cardboard
- paper
- white glue
- felt (or other fabric)
- flour
- water
- small tree branch
- needle and thread
- watercolor paint
Draw out the mask shape you would like onto your piece of cardboard (or you could use the base mask pattern from our book). Make sure to measure the interpupillary space (the distance from the center of one pupil to the other) on the person you are making the mask for/with. Use this measurement to help you determine how far apart to put the eye holes.
Cut out the mask shape with scissors or an exacto knife (parents only). Once the mask is cut out, spread a thin layer of white glue over the entire surface of one of the sides. Place your felt or fabric on the side and smooth out any bubbles. After the fabric is in place, cut the excess material away leaving a half inch border of fabric around the cardboard. Using the scissors or the exacto knife, cut an "X" in the fabric inside the eye holes and fold through to the other side (see photo above). Use glue to stick down the flaps. Then fold over the rest of the material around the outside edges.
Using a template or drawing freehand, sketch out your favorite leaf shape onto a stack of paper. Cut out the leaf shapes (cutting through the entire stack in order to cut out multiple leaves at once). When the leaves are cut, take your Papier Mâché paste (1 part water, 1 part flour) and paint a bit onto one side of a leaf. Taking a new leaf, sandwich them together and form the paper with your hands to achieve an organic shape. Continue this until you have enough leaves to cover the cardboard. Set aside to dry.
Once the leaves are dry you can either glue them directy onto the cardboard of the mask and paint them afterwards, or alternatively, you could paint them first and then glue them on.
Once the leaves are in place and painted, secure a small tree branch with a few stitches to the back of the mask. At the bottom of the handle, wrap a bit of string around to create a better grip.
Happy Friday!
~ Sarah
*P.S. Click here to see the winners of the IMAGINE CHILDHOOD book giveaway!