For me there is nothing like an afternoon of time traveling. There is just something so magical about meandering through distant times and places with little effort. No DeLorian needed here, just the purchase of a museum ticket.
Along each and every wall ancient hieroglyphs divulge little details...
... while drawings and statues introduce you to the culture and traditions of the time, each with their own interesting and unique story.
Throughout my visit I could not get over the craftsmanship and artistry that went into everything. From ceramics to metal work, the level of detail was just as good then as it is now, and they didn't have half the tools we do today.
Every exhibit, hall and room inspired me to create and make new things from the stories and artifacts I saw. Which is why I love these time machines called museums so much. It's the continuation of a story, of many stories that each in turn inspire new stories for generations to come.
I wander sometimes if these ancient Egyptians ever thought about the impression their stories, and their wonderful monuments would have on future generations? Will the stories we tell and the monuments we build in this time have the same lasting impression thousands of years from now? As I wander through the halls of museums I can't help but wonder, and hope just little bit...
~ Jordan
P.S. Check back later this afternoon to see the winner of our Wonderful Wizard of Oz Giveaway!
*Last time in Books and Stories: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Book Giveaway!