Twenty odd miles from this sign lies a beloved little cabin, with spectacular views of my favorite mountains. From that view the foothills where this sign resides look small, like mole hills in front of the sharp and and jagged mountains behind.
Slowly though, and rather surprisingly the mole hills begin to look more and more like mountains themselves. Before you know it you're in them, high above the valley floor, and what once looked like a couple of green tooth picks are now towering trees silhouetted in the setting sun.
Mountains you didn't even know were there, now rise high above it all, surrounded by waves of its own foothills.
Eco-systems hidden from view now show off a wonderful world full of life, animals, and bugs.
And what once looked small in insignificant now makes you feel exactly that. As the saying goes... it's all a matter of perspective.
~ Jordan
*Last time in Nature: Winter Rainbow