I feel that more often than not, winter is heaped into a general assumption of white. Indeed, sometimes everything really is covered in white snow, but there is so much more to the landscape than that. For me, the snow works almost like a magnifying glass, making everything that has color, really pop.
Like this form of fungus. In the spring it would be drowned out by the wildflowers, and in the summer and fall it would blend into the dried grasses and brightly colored leaves. But in winter, you can't walk by it with out stopping to take a look to investigate.
Patterns stand out, where they used to blend in...
... and textures grab on to you like velcro.
The more I think about it the less I associate winter with massive quantities of white snow, but rather as a different kind of rainbow, with the snow as a backdrop. This makes winter walks and hikes all the more fun, because each time is like a scavenger hunt to find all the colors.
Can you find a rainbow of color in your snowy world? Let us know in the comments section below!
~ Jordan
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*Last time in Nature: Beneath the Ice