A little over two years ago I picked up my Papa's old Nikon and started taking photos of the wonderful bits of nature that surrounded me. A little over a year ago I got a camera of my very own, and my life changed forever. Much like the beginning of all relationships I was completely infatuated with the contraption. As time progressed I began to see glimpses of what could be if I worked hard enough, if I read enough, and if I took enough pictures every day. Like all relationships we have also gone through some rough patches. Blurry photos of what I knew was that perfect moment between subject and light, "genius" ideas that I could not figure out how to photograph properly, and uncooperative subjects (chipmunks in particular). Luckily these trials have been brief, and as long as I keep clicking that round silver button, something decent is bound to show up eventually.
What has also developed along with my love of photography is a greater love of nature. Camera or no camera, serendipitous moments in the natural world are second to none. So as the yearly day of love approaches I think it's only appropriate to look back on the past year and say thank you to Nature for providing so many beautiful moments...
... beautiful moments indeed!
So, Nature... would you be my valentine?
~ Jordan
*Last time in Nature: Visindi Circus