I find myself running around a lot lately, with little more on my mind than getting my "to do" list done. I also find this rather problematic. I much prefer to move a bit more slowly, taking in the world around me, preferably with my trusty camera around my neck. I'm used to sharing the "life" responsibilities, like taking care of the house, the bills, the shopping, and most importantly, doing the dishes (I really hate doing dishes). My better half and partner in crime is away for the next few months, leaving me with all the running around, and also leaving me with little time to indulge my in the moment picture taking.
Luckily my family and some good friends have stepped up and are graciously keeping me company (and keeping me sane). One of which recently helped me to see I could still be in the moment even when I'm on the go. At the wise old age of one, she literally brought me down to her level and showed me a whole new world. My little friend, her mother and I were spending a few minutes at the small playground outside the local grocery store when she started wandering towards the parking lot. Following close behind we coaxed her into stopping at the shopping carts where we noticed something wonderful...
... Sparrows! Half a dozen of them, quite comfortable within the tangled web of metal cart-dom, they were not the least bit shy. With cars driving past and shoppers coming and going we sat there, still as could be and just took it all in. The stillness only lasted a few brief moments, but it was enough to bring me well within the wonder of the moment, and back to my happy place.
*Last time in Nature: A Love of Nature