Can you feel it? Summer is almost here! There are many things I love about summer, but one of my favorite is the chance to catch up on my reading! I have searched high and low, and I am quite happy to report that there are some really great new books out there for readers young and a little less young.
To celebrate the season I have put together a list of must-reads for the summer. Included are a few classics worth a reminder, along with newer additions to the universal library that beg to be given some attention. So, with out further adieu, here's my list of must reads this summer.
For little ones:
-This Moose belongs to Me by Oliver Jeffers: Oh the age old story of a boy and his...
moose? Young Wilfred has just such a pet, well at least he thinks so. Wilfred lives a life full of order and rules, his moose on the
other hand just wants to go where the apples are. Join in on the fun,
carried through with delightful illustrations, as Wilfred and his moose
adventure through life.
- Infinity and Me by Kate Hosford: Have you ever looked up at the sky and
felt very small? Have you ever thought about the sheer number of stars
in that deep, dark sky? Uma has, and it both fascinates and humbles her.
Filled with quirky, vintage-style illustrations and a delightful
interaction with a subject matter both insightful and hard to grasp,
young Uma investigates the idea of infinity.
- You Are Stardust by Elin Kelsey: This innovative picture book aims to
reintroduce children to their innate relationship with the world around
them by sharing many of the surprising ways that we are all connected to
the natural world. Grounded in current science, this extraordinary
picture book provides opportunities for children to use their
imaginations and wonder about some pretty wonderful and big ideas.
For Kiddos:
- Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson: A classic through and through! Sail along
the high seas with dastardly pirates and memorable characters, all in
search of the ultimate buried treasure!
- The Hobbit (Pocket Edition) by J.R.R. Tolkien: A great modern classic, this charming
pocket-sized edition contains the complete unabridged text and features
the original cover illustration, painted by J.R.R. Tolkien himself.
For Parents and Kids:
- A Map of the World: The World According to Illustrators and Storytellers: A new generation of designers, illustrators, and mapmakers are currently
discovering their passion for various forms of illustrative
cartography. A Map of the World is a compelling collection of their
work--from accurate and surprisingly detailed representations to
personal, and modernistic interpretations.This book will have young and
old endlessly fascinated.
- The Where, the Why and the How: 75 Artists Illustrate the Wondrous Mysteries of Science: Science and art collide... and it is
glorious! Inside these pages some of the biggest (and smallest)
mysteries of the natural world are explained in essays by real working
scientists, which are then illustrated by artists given free rein to be
as literal or as imaginative as they like. The result is a celebration of the wonder, curiosity, and imagination inside all of us.
- Touch a Butterfly by April Pulley Sayre: Gardening with children is always a
delight. There is always something new to marvel at. Add backyard
wildlife into the mix and you have an endless supply of wonder-filled
- The Down and Dirty Guide to Camping with Kids: How to Plan Memorable Family Adventures and Connect Kids to Nature by Helen Olsson: Whether you’re a first-time camper or a
veteran backpacker befuddled by the challenges of carting a brood—and
all the requisite gear—into the great outdoors, here you’ll find all the
tips and tools you need to plan the perfect nature adventure with your
- Oh yeah, and we think this book, is pretty darn awesome-sauce too!
Happy summer reading!
Oh my goodness! We got so wrapped up in all the fun that is our upcoming summer catalog, that we forgot to announce the winner of the Summer Nature Camp Giveaway!
And the winner is EvaLuna who wrote:
"This wonderful present would solve a long summer with 3 boys at home!"
A huge thanks to everyone who participated, you all are just so amazing! And don't forget, you can still get the Summer Nature Camp from A Natural Nester! Filled with 8 weeks worth of great summer nature activities, it it really is a steal at around $5 a day!
Yay summer!
~ Jordan
*Last time in Books and Stories: Summer Nature Camp Giveaway!