We have one of the most reliable crews show up each day to mow our backyard lawn. They trim, fertilize and leave it just right.
It is a family of wild hare. At any given moment we can look out and they are tirelessly nibbling all day long.
Mama hare checks out the lawn mower from top to. . .
. . . bottom. All is in good working order, but there is just not much use for it. Maybe once or twice a year just a little touch up.
To natures mowers, and the gift they give, helping to keep our wild lands and backyards trimmed. Without them it would a bramble, a thicket of undergrowth.
When nature is in balance, it works. Plus we get the side benefit of an "ahhh". . . and a smile, as we glance out each day watching them work. . .
~ Deb
*Last time in Barn Stories: Free Ranging Hens