Lets take a step back. Back to a place, and a time full of enchantment...
... where a magical forest acts as the gatekeeper to the fantastic, the strange...
... and the beautiful.
Oh, and one fearsome dragon too!
Dragon Feathers is the story of one young man's journey to win the heart of the maiden he loves, with lots of adventures and wit thrown in for good measure. But what completely captivated me were the illustrations.
Like something out of a monastic volume, I felt like I had been transported back to the 16th century. Vivid colors, strange and wonderful creatures, and that hat! The dragon's wife was by far my favorite. The story was great, but honestly I would just get this book for the pictures...
Happy Reading!
~ Jordan
We have some winners in our Imagine Childhood Book giveaway! So without further adieu, the winners are...
Alison who wrote:
"Keep up the good work - so much wonderful inspiration here!"
Heather A who wrote:
"We love your products and love reading the blog regularly. This book would be a stellar addition to our home. Happy Birthday and congrats! Thank you for offering this giveaway."
cc who wrote:
"I would love a copy of your book! I really enjoy your seasonal catalogues. Thank you."
"Oh, I have lusted after this book for the longest time and it has just never quite made it into our hands. Would love to have a copy of this inspiration."
Thank you so much to everyone who participated, the comments and Birthday wishes still have us smiling!
* Last time in Books and Stories: Gratitude and a Giveaway!